
Who We Are and What We Do:


Siouxland Human Investment Partnership (SHIP) has been selected by the U.S. Department of Labor to receive an Employment and Training grant to provide programming that will focus on addressing the employment barriers of court-involved young adults while helping them attain-in-demand occupational and employment skills needed to obtain good jobs.

The BOOST GO program will enroll participants between the ages of 18-24 who have been involved in the juvenile or adult criminal justice system. Persons that have been diagnosed with ADHD, were under an IEP in school, current/ previous gang affiliation or a high school dropout.  Participants in the program will be enrolled for one year with a one-year follow-up.  During this time, they will work toward obtaining their High School diploma or High School diploma equivalency (if student has dropped out of school), explore careers, prepare for postsecondary education, and participate in training for employment. Participants will obtain Industry recognized certificates and enroll into apprenticeships. These trainings can lead to higher wages by developing the skills and mastery required in the workforce and holds the promise of reducing the recidivism rate of ex-offenders by improving their vocational and educational skills, and long-term prospects in the labor market by increasing their sense of responsibility.  Participants in the program will learn valuable skills such as: punctuality, reliability, work ethic, life skills, and leadership skills BOOST GO participants will become an asset to their communities and will become better prepared to face challenges in their own lives.


  • Offer financial assistance for education, trainings, and work related needs such as tools, work clothing/ shoes and more

  • Goal setting

  • Assist to overcome barriers to employment such as childcare and transportation

  • Resume writing assistance

  • Referrals to local resources

  • Help finding and applying for jobs

  • Help building skills for employment such as punctuality, reliability, and work ethic

  • Monetary incentives when completing trainings

  • Job retention incentives of $100 at 6 months and 1 year work anniversaries

Criteria for Enrollment

To be eligible, a person must be 18-24 yrs old and:

  • Participants must be at least 18 years old and no older than 24 years old.

  • Reside in Woodbury County or plan to return to the area upon release from custody.

  • Have been expelled from school.

  • Had juvenile or adult criminal record of an offense/infraction or crime against persons as define by law enforcement.

  • Attends or has attended an alternative school for disciplinary reasons.

  • Left high school before completion.

  • Gang membership (Current or prior).

  • Parent who is currently or formerly incarcerated.

  • Diagnosed by a clinician or told by a school official of attention deficit disorder or attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADD or ADHD) or other learning disabilities.

  • Has or had an IEP in school.

  • Assessed as having anti-social attitude/beliefs.

  • Substance misuse before the age of 12.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us, so that we can schedule a meeting to discuss in detail the benefits of our program.  Contact us through email or call 712-224-2166.

Mark Olsen - Lead Case Manager

Scotty Colt - Program Director

Christine Quintanilla - Case Manager

Charlotte Gorter - Case Manager

Care to Make a Referral? Download the form Today!

U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration funding to the BOOST GO program totals   $1,999,992.00. The Federal award provides 100% of the funding for this program.